2024 - 2025 Tryout Information, News (Sun County Panthers)


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Mar 12, 2024 | Shannah Dalpe | 7547 views
2024 - 2025 Tryout Information
Tryouts will begin Monday April 20th. Below is important information to assist you:

  1. Pre-Tryout Registration: All players will be required to Pre-Register for tryouts. The link will be available until April 20, 2023: Pre-Tryout Registration

  2. Permission To Skate: Every player will require a Permission to Skate form from their home center. NO player will be permitted on the ice without this form. We will not accept these forms via email. You will be required to submit the actual form at registration on the day of the players first tryout.

  3. Tryouts: Players will be guaranteed 3 skates before the first round of releases. Tryout fees are to be paid in full at the first tryout. Tryout fees are payable by cash only. Players must pay $100.00 and Goalies pay $85.00. Players will receive a jersey at the first tryout. This jersey will be theirs for the entire tryout and to keep once tryouts are done. The player will be responsible to have their jersey with them at all tryouts. Goalies will not be given a jersey and are asked to bring their own with them to the tryouts. After the first tryout, the website will be updated in the Tryout Player Roster Tab on each team's home page. These rosters will be updated no later than 2 hours after a tryout. If a player does not appear on the roster or if you are cut and wish to attend other centers tryouts and require an F1 you are able to contact Shannah Dalpe at [email protected] . The link to the tryout schedule is: 2024_Tryout_Schedule

  4. Goalies: We will be having a goalie development skate April 20, 2024.
    • 11:00am – 12:30pm: U10 – U13
    • 12:30pm – 2:00pm: U14 – U16


The cost will be $50. This skate is open to all goalies U10-U16. You will be required to indicate your attendance in the pre-tryout registration.

  1. U14 (2011's): ALL 2011 players wishing to attend tryouts will be required to attend the Sun County checking clinic. Even if you attended a checking clinic in the community, attendance for this clinic is mandatory. Under no circumstance are players permitted to attend tryouts if they did not attend the checking clinic. The clinic is scheduled on April 20, 2023, at Essex Arena. The schedule will be as follows:           

·         Classroom Session-12:00pm - 1:00pm -Shaheen Room

·         On Ice Session 1:00pm - 2:30pm


The checking clinic is free of charge as this is mandatory. Players will be required to hand in your tryout fee and Permission to Skate at the checking clinic.

If you have any questions or concerns in regard to tryouts, please contact Shannah Dalpe at [email protected].

Best of luck to all! 


Brian's Source for Sports
1495 Tecumseh Rd E, Windsor, ON N8W 1C2 (519) 254-5733
WFCU Credit Union
3000 Marentette Avenue Windsor, Ontario N8X 4G2