Aug 27, 2014 | jmcmanus | 2542 views
Sync Team Calendar
This was an article posted on for a different team, but it is very useful. I have changed all information that is relevant to our specific team.
Our Sun County Panthers team calendar can be sync'd with your personal computer or smart phone to allow players, parents and coaches to have up to date notifications of their practices and games. Follow the following instructions
Step 1: Get The Address to the Calendar Feed
This website has a single address which is used to generate the calendar feed, and that address needs to have some incoming parameters which tells the feed what team(s) schedules to return. The basic format for this address is webcal://(your domain name)/webcal.ashx?IDs=(one or more team IDs). (see address below)
Each team in the site has an ID which you can see in the address (URL) when you navigate to that team's site. So if you know the ID(s) of the team(s) you want to create the calendar feed for, you can manually type them into the feed's address. Each team in the site has an ID which you can see in the address (URL) when you navigate to that team's site. So if you know the ID(s) of the team(s) you want to create the calendar feed for, you can manually type them into the feed's address. However, to make it easier to configure the feed's address just copy the following feed addresses into your calendar:
Step 2: Import the Feed into your Calendar
Once you have your customized address to the calendar feed, you can import it into your calendar. Basic instructions for some of the more popular calendars are as follows:
Microsoft Outlook® 2010
1. Open Outlook® and go to the Calendar area.
2. In the ribbon at the top, click Open Calendar, then From Internet...
3. Paste the address created in Step 1 into location field, and click Ok
4. Optional: Click Advanced Options to provide a name and/or description for the calendar, and click Ok
5. Click Ok to add the Calendar. It will automatically update each time Outlook® performs a full "Send & Receive"
Microsoft Outlook® 2007
1.Open Outlook® and go to the Calendar area.
2. In the main menu, click Tools, then Account Settings
3. Select the Internet Calendars tab, and click New...
4. Paste the address created in Step 1 into location field, and click Add
5. Optional: Click Subscription Options to provide a name and/or description for the calendar, and click Ok
6. Click Ok to add the Calendar. It will automatically update each time Outlook® performs a full "Send & Receive"
Apple iPhone™ (version 3.0 or later)
If you can receive email on your iPhone...
1. Send yourself an email containing the address created in Step 1.
2. Open the email on your iPhone and tap the address.
3. Your iPhone will ask if you want to subscribe to the calendar. Tap Subscribe
4. After the feed has been loaded into your iPhone, you'll see a confirmation message. Tap View Events to see the calendar.
If you cannot receive email on your iPhone...
1. On your iPhone, open your Settings, then tap Mail, Contacts, Calendars
2. Tap Add Account..., then tap Other
3. Tap Add Subscribed Calendar
4. Enter the address from Step 1 into the Server Address field, and tap Next
5. On the next screen, change the name of the calendar as needed, then tap Save
Apple iCal™
1. Open iCal, and in the main menu select Calendar, then Subscribe...
2. Paste the address created in Step 1 into the Calendar URL: box provided, and click Subscribe
3. Type a name and/or description for the calendar into the boxes provided, set the Auto-refresh as desired, and click OK
Google Calendar™
Warning! Google Calendar™ will only sync the calendar feed once per day (at the most).
1. Login to Google and visit your Google Calendar™ (usually
2. On the left-hand side, look for an area called "Other Calendars"
3. Click Add, then click Add by URL
4. Paste the address created in Step 1 into the URL: box provided, and click Add Calendar
5. Optional: After the calendar is added, you can rename it by clicking the Calendar Settings associated with that calendar